Sunday, 28 June 2009

Musings upon the subject of commercials.

I like to think of myself as a fairly open-minded, unshockable person. The line most doctors use is “I’ve heard it/seen it all before”. Even if this is not strictly true, there are many things we are told that may… surprise.

However, I found out today that there are limits to my tolerance, namely certain commercials. Note they are being called commercials because they are undoubtedly an American phenomenon which I have not come across elsewhere.

Whilst watching the news earlier – around 6pm local time – I was treated to a pair of happy, older people gallivanting across the screen. So far, so good. Unfortunately, this couple were all smiles as a result of Viagra. Yes. Viagra. The immortal line “if you experience an erection lasting more than 3 hours, consult a physician” will be haunting my dreams for a good long while.

Having seen this, I started paying attention to the other things being advertised. A myriad of commercials related to drugs in one form or another. Now, this just doesn’t happen in England, presumably because we only pay the £7.15 needed for prescriptions.

There is no point to this post, but I thought it was interesting. Something to think about while you eat your tea… slightly more appropriate than the “perky” (and I use that term after much thought) twosome I had to contemplate over my meal.

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Slowly, slowly working my way through medical school thanks to a good sense of humour, some fantastic friends, a wonderful boyfriend, a brilliant family, and a relaxed faith.