Friday, 2 October 2009

I've got that Friday feeling... and it's G-O-O-D

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world...

There is something about a Friday that just seems to make everything better. I don't have to get up tomorrow (well, not early), I don't have to go to the hospital, or answer to anyone else's timetable. Lovely.

And the last couple of days have been pretty fab actually... Thursday involved a delicious carrot cake, free (scrummy) soup for lunch, a meeting with my absolutely lovely tutees (I am a college tutor! This is terrifying!), a bbq to celebrate finishing the pedometer 10,000 steps/day challenge, a pub quiz, and a long chat with fantastic housemates. All in all a very very good day.

Today, I presented some cases - and the notoriously harsh doctor who supervises us was almost nice :o) As in, he actually signed my cases off rather than telling me to redo them three or four times to get them to "fourth year standard". So hooray!

And I went on the ward - on my DAY OFF. Blimey. Dedication at it's best eh?!

And now it is Friday evening, Alfie has had a bath, and been cleaned out, and I am watching Shrek 2, and cleaning my room. I mean, life just doesn't get better!

What a wonderful world...

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Slowly, slowly working my way through medical school thanks to a good sense of humour, some fantastic friends, a wonderful boyfriend, a brilliant family, and a relaxed faith.