Saturday, 17 April 2010

Fail, Fail, Fail....

Hmmm. Up to date. Well, I kind of managed to keep up with the blog for a wee while. Never mind eh?!

So... Palliative Care. A topic in itself, and one for another day. Suffice to say, it is amazing. Wonderful. A FANTASTIC speciality. And I have absolutely loved it. I have learnt so much about myself. It's been hard, it's been emotional, but at the same time, it's been an absolutely unbelievably great experience.

Ok, glowing review over... and rest of life update beginning...

Mock exams over, life is good. Mock exams passed, life is wonderful! Very pleased with this... but at the same time, still rather panicked about the next lot, which are, let's face it, a bit more serious. Hopefully I shall be a bit less, um, disadvantaged physically - my wrist had a lovely flare up which necessitated the use of a computer for the exams, and the use of a "seeing eye dog" (aka assisstant/scribe) in the practical exam. It was good fun, in any case...

Then came a lovely Easter break - although revision-filled, it was still just lovely to be home. Best beloved was with me for the first week, and, bored of watching me scribble notes and "shhhh" him every time he opened his mouth, he organised and tidied the basement. It is BEAUTIFUL. He is an absolute star :)

Best beloved and I spent Easter Sunday with both mothers and my brother, and two dogs, and had a lovely day, playing on the beach, eating vast quantities, and enjoying the Easter bunny's delivery - Easter egg hunt, anyone? Good times!

And now, we are back, officially, in Lancovnia, gearing up to power through a killer term - 8 more weeks of surgery, 3 weeks of exams, and then 4 weeks of essaying. Hard core times. I am mainly wanting the exams to be over, and also wanting to sit outside and enjoy the absolutely stunning weather we are having. Alfie alfie (the tortoise) has loved ambling around in the garden, eating dandelions and exploring.

So now, it is 11 on a Saturday night. The majority of cool kids will be out on the town/chillaxing with friends/etc, but this cool kid is off to bed ready for more revision tomorrow. C'est la vie!

So, tous le monde, bon nuit!

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Slowly, slowly working my way through medical school thanks to a good sense of humour, some fantastic friends, a wonderful boyfriend, a brilliant family, and a relaxed faith.