Wednesday, 3 March 2010

So very very sleepy!

Ah yes, it is Wednesday, here I am in Barrow, and already it's half way through the week, hooray! I am so sleepy you wouldn't believe (not helped by a rather restless night, brought on by sore muscles/bruises following an epic hula hooping session!)

Well, what has happened this week or so?

I have finished the wonderful world of Paediatrics, which was very enjoyable and I am disappointed not to be going back this week; I am already missing it! However, I have moved on to Palliative Care, and despite absolutely dreading it, I am actually enjoying it for the most part. Yes, it's not the most cheery of subjects, but actually it's a very human subject; everyone is allowed to have emotions, and it's a very open speciality. Frankly, it's actually a very priviliged job and I am so impressed with all the people who work in the Hospice, and with palliative patients.

What else?

I have enjoyed the company of my dear Bristol best friends this weekend, as they visited Lancovnia for the first time. Sometimes, it takes showing someone new around to remember why you love a place, and you know what? I LOVE Lancovnia! The castle, the views, Ashton Memorial, it's all wonderful.

We spent many an hour just talking, and playing the wonderful Bananagrams. Plus of course, taking millions of photos and eating things that are deliciously bad for us!

So here I am, back in FGH, after a far-too-short weekend, watching the days and weeks fly by, coming closer and closer to the inevitable exams. I waver between total confidence and absolute fear, and this really is every two minutes - I can be sitting, thinking "yes, I understand this" [be it renal function, cardiology, palliative medicine, or whatever] and the next minute be completely shot down and feel entirely stupid. This is not so much fun, but there we go!

On the plus, we received our portfolios back from the powers that be - and in mine, the Big Cheese herself (who has made my life hell in the last year) had written as her comment "good logging". Phew. Yes indeed, words to live by, eh?! [Never mind the extra work, full portfolio, lovely feedback comments etc].

But still!

Work, I'm afraid, is calling me. I have vast quantities of things to read about cancer, death and dying. The joys of being a medical student!

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Slowly, slowly working my way through medical school thanks to a good sense of humour, some fantastic friends, a wonderful boyfriend, a brilliant family, and a relaxed faith.